You are not scared of the darkness but the light.”- Horas, the Elephant that resides at the Kiev’s Zoo

Animal and Nature CommunicationYou are not scared of the darkness but the light.”- Horas, the Elephant that resides at the Kiev’s Zoo

You are not scared of the darkness but the light.”- Horas, the Elephant that resides at the Kiev’s Zoo

Recently one of my communicator friends introduced me to Horas, the Elephant that is at Kiev’s Zoo (Ukraine). What we read about Horas through the media was that he is anxious and restless due to the unrest in the country. His caretaker has moved in the Zoo along with more people. We were curious to know from Horas how he feels about living with so many people. Is he stressed due to the bombing and shelling? How could we as communicators understand him better and if he wishes to share anything with us. This is what he had to share:
“I am happy that I have company. It is loud and chaotic and I get a little perplexed. But it is ok! They give me anti-stress doses but I wish I could not be drowsy and help them better. I wish I could hold people and comfort them.”
We asked him how he sees this unrest in the country and in the world and this is what he said, “You are seeing the beginning of a lot of things. You should be happy that you have chosen to be a part of such times and be the light. Can you imagine how important your role is? Don’t take your existence for granted. There is so much light that is coming and hence the dark is being highlighted. It is going to take a few years but don’t ever feel that you are being consumed by the darkness. The light has never been so strong before as it is now and it is only getting stronger. You are not scared of the dark but you worry about the light. You empower us by being our voice and we empower you with wisdom, healing, and purity.” This powerful message was for each one of us seeing as we see the world go through a transformation.
He also requested to let the caretakers know telepathically that he doesn’t need any calming medicines. He is strong and he can help these people feel calm and keep them company.
During the time that we spent with Horas I experienced calmness, he made me aware of my personal strength and power. As I conclude my blog I hear him say, “Hang in there my dear one”. I am grateful to have spent that time with Horas and understand this magnificent being and experience his wisdom, patience, calmness, and his strong guiding light.

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